Veterinary Medicine
Animal Anatomy Posters - High Quality from Animus Medicus
In the past, animals served our ancestors as food. Scientists even speculate that humans only began consuming plant-based food when certain animals were extinct. Starting from the tenth century BC, humans began to tame animals and use them as livestock. This marked the beginning of human-animal relationships that went beyond slaughtering. Gradually, humans learned how lovable animals can be. Today, we find ourselves in a kind of dilemma regarding animals. Some animals we call pets, to whom we could never do harm, while most people still consume animal meat. The fact is: humans owe a lot to animals. Whether as livestock, meat suppliers, or pets, animals are available to us. To appreciate this, we at Animus Medicus dedicate an entire category to our animal friends. Here you will find animal anatomy posters in beautiful, artistic vintage depictions.
The animal anatomy posters from Animus Medicus not only impress with their artistic representation but also with their up-to-date knowledge.
Animal Anatomy Posters from Animus Medicus – Unique Wall Art
Although our shop primarily offers posters of human anatomy, we certainly don't neglect animal anatomy. In both cases, we believe that anatomy in art does not yet have the deserved recognition. The same goes for animal anatomy posters. Unfortunately, they seem to be regarded by society as artwork suitable only for professionals. In reality, however, many other people also enjoy such scientific illustrations. Animal lovers also choose an animal anatomy poster to honor their four-legged friends among the family photos on the wall. If you are looking for a unique gift, you are in the right place at Animus Medicus. Treat your loved ones to beautiful posters. And if you "unfortunately" fall in love with the animal anatomy posters while browsing for a gift, just order two. One for you, one as a gift – we have enough for everyone.
Animal Anatomy Posters with Numerous Details
Today, many learning possibilities complement an old-fashioned book. 3D models, videos, and even VR glasses can create a learning effect. With the animal anatomy posters, we provide you with another way to study animal anatomy. In veterinary medicine, you will find beautiful animal anatomy posters of dogs, cows, and horses. In addition to the digestive system of a cow, you have other exciting motifs such as dog musculature and horse musculature available. All of these animal anatomy posters fascinate with their museum-like depiction. The labels remain discreet in the background and are limited to the most important Latin terms. This allows the animal anatomy poster to fully unfold its effect. As a veterinary student, you can use the animal anatomy posters to deepen your knowledge of anatomy and Latin. And even as a long-practicing doctor, you will feel magically drawn to the animal anatomy poster. Where would you like to hang the animal anatomy posters? They fit just as well in the waiting area as in the treatment room. Here, you can also explain some connections to the owners of your four-legged patients using the visual representation. The appearance of the posters quickly lowers the inhibition threshold for anatomical illustrations, as experience shows. This way, you get the maximum attention.
Animal Anatomy Posters – Our Selection
We also want to inspire you as an artist or interested layperson with our animal anatomy posters. Perhaps you have pets yourself or were born an animal lover. Our animal anatomy posters will captivate you immediately. You can choose the animal anatomy images in light and dark designs.
- Dog Musculature: Humans bred dogs from wolves. Although this happened long ago, many essential characteristics of a dog still resemble those of a wolf. The musculature is a fitting example of this. Animal anatomy posters show what the musculature of a dog looks like and how it functions, and why it even surpasses human musculature in many aspects.
- Osteology of Animals: What lies beneath the skin of a dog, horse, and cow? Of course, you don't have X-ray vision. Neither do we – but our animal anatomy posters allow you to see the bones of the animal trio.
- Dog Skull: The skull of a dog not only differs significantly from that of a human. It has also diverged considerably from the anatomy of its ancestor, the wolf. See for yourself with this image.
- Horse Musculature: Horses are – depending on interpretation – not classic pets. However, for centuries, there has hardly been a mammal to which humans owe more than the horse. It is a riding and pack animal, pulls a plow or carriage effortlessly, and even in critical situations, horses provide loyal service. All of this is only possible with perfect musculature. On this animal anatomy poster, you can marvel at how the musculature of horses is structured and how it functions.
- Digestive System of the Cow: Every child knows that cows are ruminants. But what does that mean exactly, and how does digestion work in cows? Let the beautiful and precise animal anatomy images explain it to you.
By the way, at Animus Medicus, you will not only find great animal anatomy posters. We also have the corresponding aluminum picture frames in our range. Now you just need to put together your animal gallery.
Interesting Facts About Animus Medicus
The anatomy of humans and other mammals is our passion. You can see this clearly when you browse our online shop. Animal anatomy posters actually make up only a small part of our large assortment. We can also serve you with many other items such as anatomy phone cases or anatomy stickers. We ship our products so that they reach you about 3-5 working days after your order. Shipping costs vary depending on the size of your order. For orders over 75 euros, we ship for free within Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. You can conveniently pay with us in advance, via PayPal or Amazon Pay, by credit card, or on account.
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